Dec 10, 2007 21:26
evaluations are over. my first quarter at evergreen is over. i can do things, now.
i went in for my conference with my professor, today. instead of letter grades, we get evaluations. my evaluation was good. krishna said that he'd just really like me to speak up during seminars. he told me that a few of my fellow students mentioned good things about me and wrote about me in their evaluations about fellow students. that was so nice. they also said i was helpful during euclidean geometry practice.
it was about 20 minutes. afterwards, i walked down the three floors and felt like crying. i'm still in the same program the next quarter, but he won't be my seminar leader, anymore. i hate being sentimental like that. this scene echoes the last time a grading period ended. may 2007. professor turner. i cried at the stairway and rob kissed me when i only wanted to be held.
anyway, i had a cigarette under a tent next to a couple. i sort of hate music, now. i'm always listening to my ipod, but it's making me sick. it's all background stuff, which is unfortunate. anyway, the girl kept laughing. even through my music, i could hear her laughter so clear and i wanted that so bad. i don't know if i'd ever laughed like that with someone besides dotty.
as i was walking to the bus stop, i saw lewis. he's this shy boy whom people call merriwether. i've mentioned him before. anyway, the somewhat awkward thing was that he had sent me a message saying "i haven't seen you in a long time. fix that and have it on my desk by monday." and we saw each other, but hadn't exactly intended to. maryam told me that the last time she saw him, he was with ryan. and the first thing they talked about was my asexuality. i don't know why they refuse to take it as a joke. anyway, i gave lewis a hug and he hugs weird. he's afraid to touch the pelvic areas, i guess. he sticks out his lower body and i can feel it. and i always feel his necklace against my neck when i hug him.
i'm seeing dotty in 2 weeks and i'm seeing my mother and my father and maybe Furbi. irene, my sister, called me the other day and i miss her so much. and brian is coming in a few days, too!
i am not looking forward to my drive to vegas. goodness.