
Aug 17, 2006 13:38

So, I make wallpapers and collages.

And they are, apparently, good; good enough to be considered by some 'artists' a nice, umm, 'raw material' to cut, dye, blend and whatever else, and call the result their own work. And while I'm trying to be all Zen about it, not start drama and just cherish the thought that if someone steals from me, then, hey ( Read more... )

art theft

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Comments 57

jans_intentions August 17 2006, 13:49:14 UTC
Having seen your work now, the way you do faces and so on, I didn't really need to have a link because it had the same feel, the way my friend debart's nudes look like they have individual brush marks on the skin. I'd know her work anywhere.

What comes to mind for me is if I were in that fandom, I'd not know. I'd be very innocent and just assume it belonged to someone.

I'm sorry this happened and has upset you. I really hope you are able to have some better days and create again.


uglybusiness August 17 2006, 18:28:31 UTC
Thank you so much for your kind words. It's good to have friends who support you when something like this happens!


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uglybusiness August 17 2006, 18:29:00 UTC
Thank you!


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uglybusiness August 17 2006, 18:38:58 UTC
Yes, this is what I can't understand, either!

Also, I don't see any logic in this. If that person thinks they can do art better than me, then why don't they create their own piece instead of waisting their time on mine. Or, if they think they can't do better, then what is the point of mutilating my work? Where is the satisfaction in this? Isn't it just ridiculous :(


uglybusiness August 17 2006, 19:21:33 UTC
Also, I've just had a peek at your icons - well, I wish mine were as 'third rate' as yours :)


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jamalov29 August 17 2006, 14:20:45 UTC
This is so clearly your work stolen that I can't understand one minute how some people can do that. I'm so angry that someone could do this to you , who works so hard and is such a gorgeous artist.
Sending you big comforting thoughts , Olga. I hope this person realizes that what she did was wrong on so many levels.. I'm sorry that you have to go through this kind of upsetting discovery again.

--I adore your icon ( the Buffy one i'm using ! )




uglybusiness August 17 2006, 18:42:08 UTC
Thank you Caroline dear! *hugs you back* I feel better now, thanks to you and the rest of wonderful people who replied with words of support.

And I'm incredibly pleased to see you wearing my icon :)


dana_chosenart August 17 2006, 14:21:13 UTC
Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear that people have decided to make your life a living hell artwise. People are stupid who think that they can get away with something like this and that noone will ever find out.

It makes me so mad I just want to pull my shoes off and throw it at them and then infect their computers with so many viruses and worms that it will fry and never work again.

People have no respect for what yours is yours and mine is mine. They all think what's yours is definitly mine! ignorant little children who should be put over the knee and.. well, you get my drift. *sigh* damn all those theives. Damn them to hell!

*hugs Olga tightly*


uglybusiness August 17 2006, 19:17:27 UTC
Thanks sweetie! It meens so much to me that you're taking this to heart. It is the fifth theft this month, but I can't count how many times my art has been stolen during this year. I just sometimes feel completely helpless :( Thank you! *hugs you back*


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