
Aug 17, 2006 13:38

So, I make wallpapers and collages.

And they are, apparently, good; good enough to be considered by some 'artists' a nice, umm, 'raw material' to cut, dye, blend and whatever else, and call the result their own work. And while I'm trying to be all Zen about it, not start drama and just cherish the thought that if someone steals from me, then, hey ( Read more... )

art theft

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amarysso August 17 2006, 13:28:40 UTC
How horrible! You make the most gorgious art and instead of respecting your work they use it as their own? Even if they change it, it's still plagiarismn.

What is it with the HP fandom? How often don't we find plagiarists there, fanfic and fanart too apperently. Maybe it's the fact that it has a lot of young fans? I don't know.

Is it ok if I ad you to my flist?


chrkya_ler August 17 2006, 13:37:28 UTC
I think you hit it on the head, most of the HP fandom is filled with kids that don't know that plagiarisium is stealing. No one has ever bothered to teach them.

The ones that have would argue that since the images that we make our work from isn't our own, that it doesn't matter in the first place when it clearly does.

It's a sad day when people can't give credit where credit is due. I understand being jealous of someone's cabablities as and artist and wishing they were as good at it as another. But at no point is taking credit for something that you didn't make ever allowed.

Luv, I'm sorry this happened to you. You have my deepest sympathies as a fellow artist.


(The comment has been removed)

uglybusiness August 17 2006, 16:00:30 UTC
What is the English for "ППКС"? :) I cannot agree more.


amarysso August 17 2006, 13:45:39 UTC
You're right respect doesn't get teached anymore. Kids can count themselves very lucky if they still are learned about respect, because it isn't so evident anymore.

"It's a sad day when people can't give credit where credit is due. I understand being jealous of someone's cabablities as and artist and wishing they were as good at it as another. But at no point is taking credit for something that you didn't make ever allowed."

Very true.


uglybusiness August 17 2006, 15:53:26 UTC
The images aren't my own, but now, am I claiming that they are? No. Also, to me it is not a matter 'copyright infrigement', because copyright, basically, is about protectng people's money; and I do not gain any profit of what I do. But it is a matter of ethics. We fanartists all are the parts of the community; we are in the same league, so to say (or same boat, even). And while there are no laws to prohibit stealing fanart, it is still wrong because it is stealing from your own 'fanart family', from someone near you, someone who is just like you. It is like attending a party at your friend's house and stealing silver forks, you see? Just as atrosious and petty, and stupid, too.

Thank you for your support and sympathy! It's good to see there are real artists in the fandom who understand that plagiarism is wrong!


uglybusiness August 17 2006, 15:33:03 UTC
Thank you for your support! Yes, I agree that it is still plagiarism. If they want to use in their wallpaper that exact image that I used in mine, they should go check my resources page (or ask me) and find the original photograph, instead of cutting it out of my piece!

Sure, it is definitely okay if you friend me :)


amarysso August 17 2006, 15:35:33 UTC
You're friended! *grins*


uglybusiness August 17 2006, 18:30:51 UTC
So are you :)


amarysso August 17 2006, 18:31:52 UTC
Woohoo! *does a happy dance*


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