Jan 23, 2012 19:10

Can't NOT post about this.

"The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, which has already been signed by eight countries, poses a dangerous threat to the inherent freedom and openess of the Internet. Under ACTA, ISPs and websites will be given more power to track what we do online, while forcing them to turn over our information and reporting our activity to the authorities -- all in the name of copyright protection! This controversial intellectual property accord, which was negotiated in secret, violates our fundamental rights to free speech and access to our culture.

The European Parliament, which will soon hold a final consent vote on ACTA, may be our only hope to stop this dangerous agreement. A "No" vote on ACTA by the Parliament will dismantle ACTA in its current form and make countries back to the negotiating table. Call on the EU Parliament to take a stand and vote “NO” on ACTA!"


Global petitions:
Stop ACTA (to the UN)
Just Say ‘No’ to ACTA
Stop ACTA Now!
Stop Canada from passing ACTA
UK representatives: Stop ACTA
Act against ACTA (to the U.S. Congress)

Citizens of europe: contact your representatives!
go to, select your country (left colume) and then find the contacts of your representatives under “Parlament”, “Your MEPs” or something like this. AND LET THEM KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!
StopACTANow on Twitter
Stop ACTA Now! on Facebook


I personally think this is a very serious danger to all of us, not even just those in the fandom. ACTA will be the end of our privacy and freedom. :( Sign these petitions, guys.

ETA: No need to ask me if you want to repost this! Spread the word.


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