
Jun 27, 2011 01:43

I'm not feeling well, but I wanted to make a post about this year's AFA's ceremony, to say thank yous and share my thoughts, and, okay, brag a little. :)

For those on my flist who don't know, it's ( Read more... )

awards, thank you, afa

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Comments 21

sweet_lyri June 26 2011, 23:07:43 UTC
Congrats on your awards. Very much deserved. You were my number one in practically every round. Your work is awe-inspiring.


uglybusiness June 27 2011, 12:40:05 UTC
Thank you, dear! I voted for your SPN "Weren't raised" and Robert Downey pieces, they were beautiful - I'm a bit surprised they didn't place. Congrats on the awards you won! :)


sweet_lyri June 27 2011, 14:40:41 UTC
Thank you, that really means a lot to me, but I honestly never expected to place. Not with people like you and SJ and Wendy and Erin-Nicole in the running. I never stood a chance, lol.

I'll have to really work hard for next year. Get some tips off the winners, lol.

Congratulations again!!


goldenusagi June 27 2011, 04:08:18 UTC
That's awesome! Congrats!


uglybusiness June 27 2011, 12:40:43 UTC
Thank you! :)


e0wyn June 27 2011, 08:21:54 UTC
Congratulations!! You really deserve all the awards, your art is spectacular!


uglybusiness June 27 2011, 12:41:48 UTC
Aw, thank you!


firecracker599 June 27 2011, 09:04:18 UTC
well deserved. congratulations hun *hugs*


uglybusiness June 27 2011, 12:47:17 UTC
Congratulations on your awards too, dear! *hugs back* Your works were wonderful and I voted for you a lot. That "V" piece with Morena Baccarin was really stunning! ♥


slaycandy June 27 2011, 16:36:55 UTC
*claps hands* Well done hun! It was a very well deserved 1st place, as were all the othe high placements! I adore your work and can't wait to see what you nominate next year, especially with such amazing VD pieces you've made lately :O

Muchos thank yous for the compliments, they mean a lot to me!

PS I only found this as was crediting you on my site and didn't want to link to the site, but so glad I got to read this! :D


uglybusiness June 28 2011, 14:54:18 UTC
*hugs back* Thank *you*, honey! :)


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