
Jun 07, 2011 13:50

Guys, anyone else having weird glitches with LJ or is it just me? I just logged in to discover that my layout has changed to different style and colors.

ETA: "LiveJournal developers are aware of an issue in which some users' layout appears to revert to the Generator/Nautical theme. This issue is due to a problem with LiveJournal's internal caching ( Read more... )


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Comments 8

goldenusagi June 7 2011, 11:15:22 UTC
I had a weird glitch when I looked at my flist and a bunch of code came up instead.


uglybusiness June 7 2011, 11:20:07 UTC
Apparently I'm having a "known issue" in which layouts revert to one of the default themes. And am supposed to fix it manually. Grrr. :(


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uglybusiness June 7 2011, 16:27:56 UTC
LOL! You think the spirits of LJ decided they had enough of my lazyness? :D I'm probably the only LJ-er around here who had same layout for 5 years. LOL.

Seriously though - I'll probably have to finally change it, and I'm pretty sure I have your code saved, but I can't remember the instructions: where to put what, etc... *blushes and shuffles feet*


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uglybusiness June 7 2011, 17:10:45 UTC
Oh, no, I don't mind giving you the password. I don't keep anything super secret in here anyway. :) It's just that I wanted to re-learn how to do it myself... But I don't have MSN. :( Only GoogleTalk.

Also, I can't for the life of me find where I put the SMG header that I made for "your" layout. There is a copy on photobucket but it got compressed and became very pixely and ugly. So it seems I'll have to make a new one.

Internet doesn't like me today. :(


cordykitten June 7 2011, 20:21:24 UTC
I had this too, twice.
Selecting the them (component in my case) brought the basics back. I did myself a step by step how to do, came in handy when it happened the second time.
But you still would need to know what theme layer you used to bring it back. Well I have them, doesn't everybody have them automatically?

If you need to know I could check my LJ; or are you going for a new layout now?


uglybusiness June 8 2011, 14:49:04 UTC
It didn't do the trick for me. The right theme didn't even show in the preview when I tried to pick it from the list, I was seeing the "glitch" one instead.

I went with a new layout for now (it was time to try something different, anyway), but if the error returns I'll just write to the LJ support, I guess.

Thank you! *hugs*


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