A long, but necessary speech about reposting

Jul 19, 2010 22:01

Hi, guys. :)

You have noticed that in each art post that I make, I add this note asking not to repost my wallpapers anywhere. (Well, at least most of you have, and I'm grateful for that. ♥) However, there are some folks that either miss, or choose to ignore that note. It occured to me that maybe those who do so don't really understand the reasons ( Read more... )

art theft

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Comments 60

bl_graphics July 20 2010, 01:32:43 UTC
I think that pretty much sums it up perfectly. Well written! Now hopefully the message will get across, at least I sincerely hope it does. I know this is a main struggle for you and a lot of other people.

I just still can't believe people were blatant enough to actually use them in ads. *shakes head*


uglybusiness July 20 2010, 12:30:26 UTC
Thank you, honey! *hugs*

I think that's because my unfortunate Buffy manip is all over the internet now ("thanks" to FanPop!) that everyone probably just assumes it's an official promo, or something. :(


leloo July 20 2010, 02:00:26 UTC
I'm so sorry this keeps happening to you!!! I almost always expect to see your stuff if I'm at a market and there's related products (like mugs and stuff) but FORTUNATELY I have not yet found any :)

I did however, come across a signature image on a MAKEUP forum (lol of all places) that had your Buffy wallpaper in it (you know the one). I was going to let you know but because you weren't around - and because of the nature of the forum where I saw it - I didn't consider it as urgent as had it been an actual re-post. I hope you understand what I mean :) Let me know if you want to know more about this :)


uglybusiness July 20 2010, 12:38:25 UTC
Thanks for your support, sweetie. :)

Well, to tell you the truth, I think that that Buffy wall is a lost cause. It's all over the internet and too many people are using it for me to try and stop them. :( If you could ask that person to change their sig, I'd appreciate it - but if that would be too much trouble for you, then just let them be.



leloo July 21 2010, 03:06:11 UTC
LOL ok, so I never actually noticed what username this person uses, because I came across the signature so many times while browsing the place. I'm only a new member there, so I don't actually really know anyone yet.

So I went there now to get the signature to show you, and I cannot find it. Either she's changed her signature, or I'm just looking in the wrong places.

Anyway, next time I come across it, I'll make sure I save it so I can show you :)


mysteryof July 20 2010, 08:49:13 UTC
боже, до чего дошло
Оль, сочувствую(((


uglybusiness July 20 2010, 12:41:40 UTC
Сюр полнейший %(
Спасибо :)


mysteryof July 20 2010, 13:04:26 UTC
не то слово)) кто-то тебе откровенно карму портит со стороны (


artemis10002000 July 20 2010, 09:55:38 UTC
Woah, I heard before from your posts and those of other artists that stolen art is a big problem, but I had no idea there is so much money made with it :( To think they actually use it in TV advertisements! Yeah, I can get that Ebay sellers might be a bit shady on copyright, but you'd think ad filmmakers would make sure the stuff they use is legitimate!


uglybusiness July 20 2010, 12:45:26 UTC
It's really a big problem for fanartists, basically there is a little illegal 'industry' based on using stolen fanart. :(
And I agree, that's just bizarre!


shapinglight July 20 2010, 13:26:40 UTC
I'm very sorry this keeps happening to you. I so appreciate your beautiful work and that you share it with us, and it makes me sad to learn that some people treat it and you with so little respect.


uglybusiness July 20 2010, 13:39:01 UTC
Thank you for your kind words and support!


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