You know when you are from...

Jul 24, 2010 22:52

Stole this from devils_sidekick and it looked fun. But I added some Pittsburgh based one at the end.. because I love Pittsburgh, and it has a special place in my heart.
1.) Go to google and type in "You know you're from [your state] when..."
2.) Cut and paste the list
3.) Bold or italicize items that apply to you.

• You have an uncontrollable urge to buy bread and milk when you hear the word "snow."
• You say the correct pronunciation LANG-kist-er instead of the mispronounced Lan-CAST-er, and LEB-en-in instead of the equally incorrect Leb-a-NON.
• You know the only way to make good fastnachts is to cook them in LARD.
• You live within two miles of a plant that makes potato chips, corn chips,pretzels, candy, or ice cream, or that packages turkeys, beans, or bologna.
• You can stop along the road to buy fruits, vegetables, or crafts on the "honor system."
• You know what REAL pot pie is.
• YOUR turkey has "filling," not "stuffing," and most certainly, NOT "dressing."
• You know that chicken corn soup from a fire house is the most nearly perfect food on earth.
• You say things like, "Outen the lights," "I'm calling off today," and "They're calling for snow." (everything but that first one. I say, "turn out the lights"
• You've heard of distelfinks and hex signs.
• You only buy your beer and soda by the case.
• You think the roads in any other state are smooth.
• You know the Penn State cheer, and although you've never attended PennState, you are a most obnoxious Penn State fan. (WE ARE...ANNOYING!)- I Know the cheer, I go to school, I'm not a fan.
• Hearing horses clopping down a paved street doesn't bring you to the window to see what's going on outside.
• You never see any Confederate Flags, except on the Gettysburg Battlefield.
• You prefer Hershey's Chocolate to Godiva.
• You consider Pittsburgh to be "out west," and you know the fastest way to Philly is the Turnpike.
• School closings due to snow take the radio stations a half an hour to finish, because just about every town has its own school district.
• When someone says 1972, you think "Agnes," and when someone says 1979, you think "TMI."
• You call sloppy joes "barbecue."
• When it snows, they put cinders on the roads instead of sand.
• You can give directions to Intercourse with a straight face.
• Know that Yuengling is pronounced "Ying-ling," and believe that it really is a premium beer (which comes from growing up on Schlitz and Iron City).
• Have the Rolling Rock bottle memorized: "From the glass lined tanks of Old Latrobe, we tender this premium beer for your enjoyment. . . . "
• Know that Wilkes-Barre is pronounced "Wilks Berry."
• Can pronounce "Knoebels."
• Can pronounce (or spell) "Schuylkill."
• Live for summer, when street fairs signal the beginning of funnel cake season.
• Have a day off school on the Monday after Thanksgiving, which is the first day of hunting season.
• Never have to worry about being stuck in a ditch when it's snowing. -someone in a 4WD pickup with tow chains will be along shortly.
• Elect pro-life Democrats and pro-choice Republicans for Governor (i.e., Casey and Ridge)
• Frequently go "with," e.g., "You going to the market? Mind if I come with?"
• Refer to something as "a whole nother," e.g., "That's a whole nother issue."

And the Pittsburgh ones!
• The plural of "you" is "youns."
• Most sentences end with "an'at" (abbreviated from "and that") -- I'm still not sure of the derivation, but it's the local version of "and stuff" or "and so on."
• You HOOVER, you don't vaccuum.
• You get sodie-pops.
• You only own three spices: salt, pepper, ketchup.
• You design your Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.
• You have more miles on your snowblower than your car.
• You have 10 favorite recipes for venison.
• Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow.
• You think sexy lingerie is tube socks and a flannel nightie.
• You owe more money on your snowmobile than your car.
• Your snowblower gets stuck on your roof.
• The local paper covers National and International headlines on 1/4 page but requires six pages for sports.
• You think the start of deer hunting is a National Holiday.
• You head south to go to your cottage.
• You know which leaves make good toilet paper.
• You find -20F "a little" chilly.
• The trunk of your car doubles as a deep freezer.
• You know the four seasons: Winter, Still Winter, Almost Winter, and Construction.
• The municipality buys a Zamboni before a school bus.
• You don't understand how anyone could watch a football game without ethier halupki, halushki, or kielbosa.
• You remember fondly days of youth known as "Snow Days".
• You don't understand why all sports commentators don't sound more like Cope.
Words like: gumband; buggy; hoagie; chipped ham; and pop actually mean something to you.
• You can use the phrase "Firehall Wedding" and not even bat an eye.
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