(no subject)

Mar 27, 2010 23:35

While I am actually remembering how I feel. Exactly how I feel I will write it down. In case it is actually important.

I performed at a colorguard show tonight. I really felt it was one of my best performances, but at the end I was so out of breath I immediately asked a fellow guard member for the Medic. That much I remember. I got outside, and sat down, and she came out, and it just wasn't getting better. BP through the roof 188/92, 5 minutes later 166/104. My normal BP, even when I was pregnant was around 100/70 (70ish depending on the stress). So generally it is low.

About 2/3rds of the way through the show I got a tight chest, and a little winded. This happens, I am out of shape. But usually I can deal with it and push through. I got to my rest point in the show... about 15-20 seconds, and I got caught up, but not enough. I went back out, and about 30 seconds later I knew I wasn't going to get off the floor. The problem is, the same point I got winded, apparently I dropped a toss, and fudged some work. I DON'T ACTUALLY REMEMBER THAT! I thought again that I had a great show, and I didn't know, until I saw the video that I dropped. That isn't right. And fudging the work afterward, makes me wonder what the hell happened.

I am still short of breath, and still feeling very tired, more so then I ever have.. so I am totally confused. I do have to go to the doctor's.

Oh and I know sonadora9 loves the guard stuff secretly.  If anyone has Facebook, you can find my Senior Guard at http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=258543806722&ref=nf. Join as a Fan and watch the videos.  I can point out who I am or, you can guess.  Even though its kinda hard to tell. 
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