Mar 04, 2006 00:09
----------IN THE PAST 24 HOURS HAVE YOU----------
* Cried: No
* Worn Jeans: Yeah
* Met Someone: Sorta
* Done Laundry: Ain't my job
* Drove a Car: Nope
* Talked On The Phone: Briefly
* Kissed Someone: Bob about 3 this morning
* Said "I Love You": No.
* Been horny: no
-------FRIENDS AND LIFE---------
* Do you Ever Wish You Had A Different Name?: Yes
* Do You Like Anyone?: Yes
* Which One Of Your Friends Act Like You The Most?: All of us are the same, we are one sentient being
* Who's The Loudest?: * Jon
* Who's The Shyest?: Dunno
* Are You Close To Any Family Member?: My bro Aid
* Who's The Weirdest?: We are all fucked up
*Who Knows You the best?: Jon probaly
* Who Do You Hang Out With The Most?: Jon and bob
* Who Do You Talk To Most?: Jon and bob
*Who Do You Tell Most To?: Jon and bob
* Fight With The Most?: I dunno, someone
* When You Cried The Most?: Bob
* What's The Best Feeling In The World?: Looking into the eyes of the person you feel for the most and from what you see you know they feel the same
* Worst Feeling: Knowing something bads going to happen and you cant do shit to stop it
*Last Funeral?: Never been to one and never going to one
1. Kissed Your Cousin?: no i ain't into that sort of thing
2. Ran away?: Yeah
3. Pictured Your Crush Naked?: My crush, no i actually haven't i have more decency and respect than that, she isn't a peice of eye candy to me shes a person
4. Skipped School?: yup
5. Broken Someone’s Heart?: Probaly but hey thats life
6. Been in Love?: No been suckered in though even if i had i wouldn't tell anyone
7. Cried When Someone Died?: yes i did
8. Wanted Someone You Knew You Couldnt Have?: I want.
9. Done Something Embarrassing?: Hell im an embarrasment , what can you expect ?
----------THE LAST TIME YOU...------------
26. Showered: couple of days ago
27. Stepped Outside?: Today
28. Cried: Baz's out of frustration
29. Had a Romantic Memory?: Pfft
30. Your Good Luck Charm: Birth ring
31. Person You Hate Most: dunno
32. The Best Day Ever?: I dont know
33. On Your Desk: Pc. coke bottle, phone, monkey, lava lamp, stereo
34. Desktop: This
35. Favorite color: Soft blue or deep green
36. Smell: The smell of fresh air when standing at the top of a hill letting the wind wash over you
37. Artist: I dont know there isn't alot i can class as art
38. Cars: An old red Ford mustang
39. Ice Cream: Mint choc home made
40. Season: Autumn.
41. Breakfast Food: I dont eat breakfast
43. Makes You Smile Most Often?: My music
44. Can Make You Feel Better NO Matter What?: Fabian
45. Has A Crush On You: I dont know I dont read minds
46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Yes but im not allowed to say who it is because it'll be another to add to the tally of seans whoredom wont it.
47. Who Has it easiest? Dead people
--------DO YOU EVER---------
49. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: no
50. Save AIM convos: No
52. Forward secret E-mails: No
53. Wish you were someone else: Dunno everyone does
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no i like being male
55. Wear cologne: Pff
56. Cuddle: I want to
-------HAVE YOU EVER---------
57. Fallen for your best friend?: Unfortunately
58. Made out with JUST a friend?: Too many times
59. Kissed two people in the same day? yes
60 Had sex with two different people in the same day?: Does the orgy count ?
61. Been rejected: Yup
62. Been in love?: been fooled yes
63. Been in lust?: yes
64. Used someone?: For personal gain yes. But not as in relationship used
65. Been used?: Yeah
67. Been cheated on? Yeah
68. Been kissed?: Yes
69. Done something you regret?: Yes