May 09, 2005 22:17
My thoughts -
I have this fantasy.
It goes a little something like this...
The night is warm and the breeze is refreshing. I'm sleeping sideways on my bed, so that I can look at the window. For once, you can see all the stars, which is unusual for Newmarket. I'm daydreaming and just staring off into space when suddenly I'm starlted by a rap against the window. Again. Again. And again. I crawl out of bed, wearing my comfy grey shorts and my ratty-looking Green Day t-shirt, and I walk up to the window. I look down to see you, in all your greatness, standing on the concrete steps: a pile of pebbles in one hand, a single rose in the other - but not red. I smile at you for a minute, half thinking that I'm dreaming. However, nothing can keep me from you for that long, so I quikly scurry down the stairs. I sneak out the back door, because the front one makes to much noise when it closes. I have to hop the fence though, which is difficult, because I can't ever get the gate to open. I kind of stumble over the top, but you're there to catch me. I turn to say hello but you press your finger against my lips to stop me, and then you just kiss me. Sweet and simple. You hand me the rose and tell me I'm beautiful - even though I think I'm not. And yet, you are still able to make me feel it. We lie down together on the grass, and you spread out your worn-in, coumfy jacket so that I don't get wet. We just sit there for awhile, staring up at the skies, my head resting on your chest listening to the steady beating of your heart. Some time passes and you force me against my will back over the fence and inside. You gave me your jacket to wear, because I was starting to get cold, and because I love the way it reminds me of you. You tell me how the hardest thing for you to do is go back home without me in your arms, and I offer to hide you in my closet - but we both secretely want the other to go away just so we can miss them. We both know that it will make out time together even that much better. And you return to those concrete steps and wait until I blow you a kiss from my window, making sure I got inside okay, before you turn away and drive off into the night. I sit there, sideways on my bed again, for the next little while, the tingle from your kiss still on my lips. And I know, in that second, what love is - and that I've found it in you.
My Day - is le pimp except the search for a pretty boy has been indefinetly post-poned. I do long for boy #2, but, we just aren't right for each other. I can't see him ever having feelings for me the way I have feelings for him. But that's okay - there will be others.
School is getting to that sucky ass part. But meh. I'm not letting it get to me. I really hate most of my classes, surprisingly even drama. We're doing the Crucible and frankly I hate historical plays. God. They are like Shakespeare without the reputation.
Tomorrow the new fOb album is out in Canada and I shall own it. I love Peter Pan and I want to have his babies. God, he'd have such pretty babies. Apparently Daniele's brother's band opened for them back in December and we weren't informed about such a thing. Made me sad. Our goal for Warped, if we end up going, is to stalk Peter Pan and Patty Cakes until we meet them and confess our undying love for them. Heh. Okay, so maybe not so melodramatic.
There is also this skirt I am going to buy with my birthday money because I feel like looking pimp. Gosh I need a new word. I say pimp far too often and it sounds strange coming out of my mouth.
I'm just a notch in your bedpost...
but you're just a line in song.
~ Just me [did you miss me?]