Jan 27, 2007 15:40
im stoked.
dear friends................
i have started a new band. it is me and ben, jeremy from the lame-oscopes, the the gangly himself singing about "philosify and stuff", and i am stoked
august moon is going to write new songs and start recording our full length. expect the best. im stoked
capture is playing a show on february second. the line up is.
me - guitar noise
nick strudelz - guitar noise
jeremy - bass and rhythm im stoked
ben - drums bass noise
gangly - drums trumpet
and we will read a story
it will be loud and long. and very fun. please come and get bored.
tonight posibear has a show. probably the last one for awhile, i hope so at least! its been fun but to much of a good thing is... well, too much of a good thing. but to night will be fun.im stoked.
music is my salvation! party.
i had sex with jesus, and i cummed all over his face. and god said, GOD DAMNIT! (i was stoked)
i slept over at ellerys house last night and never saw ellery, it was oddly, not that weird
i wish i could see russian circles today... whatev.......
i need a new toy, like a big amp, or a pedal, sampler? drum machine?
i should get a job.