Apr 22, 2004 20:41

------ me and rachel deras list of things that just NEED to be fucked u dont have to read
just fuck it......

fuck DRAMA!
fuck relationships!
fuck homework!
fuck bad grades!
fuck mean people!
fuck aonoumus!
fuck guys that dont like girls that like them!
fuck mean people!
fuck GUYS! (except for our dads, of course)
fuck trying to look pretty for people who dont even appriciate it!
fuck guys that you think like you, then they say they dont, behind your back
fuck fucking things that u cant even help
fuck people that say your ugly!
fuck people that say your pretty just to make u feel better!
*fuck people that say your pretty, and then they tell other people they dont really mean it!
*fuck people who say shit behind your backs and then write annonomus comments on ure lj saying how worthless u are and telling u that u have no true freinds and then u feel bad all week
*fuck people who make you feel good about yourself,and then they turn on you!and they spread rumors about you!
*fuck people who dont give a shit about u and then they sudenly act as if they are ure best friend and then tell everyone they hate u
*fuck people who suddenly carea bout you one day, and the next they act like they have never talked to you before
*fuck having a bf whille ure in love with somebody else
*fuck spending all of your time loveing someone, EVEN THOUGH you know they dont love you back!
*fuck telling people every emotion you have even thou u noe they dont care
*fuck making people feel sorry for you!
fuck when people are mad at you and they tell everyone else why, but not you!
fuck people callling you a whore and a slut even thou u didnt do anything to deserve that title
fuck when people call you a monkey just because your brown
fuck people calling u a dumb bitch just because u dont act the way they want u to act
fuck it when guys think your hot because you have big boob, or you put out easliy
fuck boyfriends that u dont even talk to because they are off doing something at lunch and nutrition
FUCK feeling sory for yourself because u are writing things down that u CANNONT help and the only way u can help is to change your ways but u dont want to
fuck everyone in our school who thinks i did something wrong to them, but dont even know me!
fuck people who make your life a living hell everyday
fuck people whos lives ARE to make your life a living hell everyday
fuck being a different person around different people
fuck acting reatreded because you hope HE might notice you
fuck feeling like you have to live in the shadow of your friends
fuck people saying your so popular
fuck people who used to be your freind in the begining of the year but now the old frend sees you as REALLY "popular" so shes to shy to talk to u ne more
fuck feeling your not good enough for one of your best friends because she doesnt feel the same
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