Mar 23, 2011 10:19
I successfully got Meler as my advisor! She's my drawing and 2d design teacher and I think she's great. She's cute and small but tough and doesn't put up with bullshit.
i'm going to finally get a notebook, my computer is awful for notes because i never read them again and honestly, i love the look of handwriting and changing it around.
I need to keep russian fresh in my mind.
i've decided that i'm going for a BFA in art (painting and printmaking).this means a lot of hard ass work. shit. but hey this means my ceramic hell wasn't for nothing. and i can go to grad school. i should look up grad schools too.
problem: i love a lot of shit in the general art sphere. I love painting, drawing, textiles, printmaking, glass sounds can i commit to one of these? i realize that i can still do a lot it's just i want to ALL of it for those intensive years. i want to be an art fairy who travels the world for art retreats and carries ben in my backpack with me.
I overheard two girls talking about art classes, one telling the other that the drawing class she took was very easy but there's a lot of work. I'm taking that shit right now, and there's a lot of work, but it's not easy at all. if it's easy for you, you should up the challenge to make it harder, otherwise you're just skating by with a C.