
Sep 13, 2008 22:09

two days ago I had a dinner at Sizzler with two guy friends. one guy I met through my ex and the other was through internet forum of GLB movies; over the years we've become pretty good friends with each other. it was nice to have chats with guys because their point of view regarding things are sometimes different than girls

we chit chat about things ... regarding our jobs, crazy bosses, BlackBerry, the personality test and I didn't remember how but I ended up asking them about their first impression when they met me

I was pretty surprised when one of them said I looked slebor when we first met. really? I thought at that time when we first met, I was being casual for the event *no need to dress up if you want to go to Mangga Dua* ... he even still could remember that I had my then long hair piled up and was wearing jeans and T-shirt. he said, I was supposed to dress up a bit since I was going out with my then ex and his bitchy sister. wow ... that was really an eye opening event; because I thought I didn't want to appear too dressy for such a simple outing to Mangga Dua.

he then later told me that eventhough he found me slebor first, after a long walk around Mangga Dua, the hilarious sandals incident and all, he found me nice and easy to talk to. not just slebor but fun to be with. still I found it surprising that he though I was being slebor first .. oh well .. maybe that was the reason that bitch didn't approve too? she was surely dressy for Mangga Dua ... very typical gaya nci-nci sok trendy tapi ga inget umur yang masih pake sepatu Gosh walopun umur udah 30+

well ... if that not being slebor ... then I prefer to wear my Mickey Mouse tee to Mangga Dua than being too dressy

after his comment, I turned to the other guy and asked his impression regarding the first time we met. he said I seemed younger than my own age. I could chat with anyone and follow the flow of the conversation which was good. he used the word cuek to discribe me because he said it seemed like he had a chat with a college girl instead of a working woman. was that good or bad? he said it was refreshing ...

so my conclusion is ... sometimes you think about certain issue with your ideal image and they think the other way around; it doesn't mean I'm 100% agree about the Venus & Mars theory but maybe ... just a a bit maybe ... we need their point of view from time to time to make us really see the whole picture and not just from our point of view alone

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