Aug 01, 2011 14:34
...UHM. HAHA I haven't updated in well over a month. I'm super lame at keeping up with this thing anymore, it's a rare occurance for me to be on LJ. EVEN AIM. I've been sorting out a lot of my personal things lately, and I wanted to amke sure that my own feelings were getting taken care of first for once. I guess I should start of with the first piece of wonderful news!!
I'M MOVING OUT. That's right ladies and gents of LJ, Carly has officially decided to move out of her moms and take nico with her! I love my mom, I really do, but I can't stand not being able to do what I want to do without fifty million questions being added on to it. I'm tired of her screaming at me when i sleep a minute later then 9 am... I just want a little freedom! I'm single, so I want to be able to go out, have a little fun, and come home without my parents breathing down my neck.
Haha, I sound like such a teenager when I say that. I respect my parents while I've lived with them and I honestly think this is the best course of action. My therapist told me it doesn't make me a bad daughter to do so, I just have to assert and gain my own freedom as an adult C:
School-wise, I've decided to drop. A fair amount of traumatic things have happened lately that I've decided I don't think I could emotionally handle being a nurse. I'm okay with the physical part, looking at people's wounds, but I care a lot about people. I care for their well being so much that I am a little too empathetic with them. I love people, and I love my current job. I love taking care of them, but only in the fact that I can walk away without knowing to many details about how bad off they are.
I would be a wonderful nurse, of course, but at the same time, my kindess and empathy would get me into trouble, personally. So! I'm going to go back to the community college and get my certificates in programming. I think I'm going to start my own website business, while working here at my current job.
SPEAKING OF JOBS, I have a new position! I'm a Clinical Associate now! I'm able to be a monitor tech, clinical secretary and nursing assistant! The great thing about that is I can put in orders and do a lot of moving around, which I really really wanted!!! So everything's going alright right now, which I guess is good!!
Missed Otakon, but there's always next year! I'm actually going to try for Anime Expo next summer >3<
ALRIGHT TIME TO GO. Love you all and hope things are going okay for you >3
!real life