Regional Manager

Dec 13, 2005 00:52

Regional managers amuse me. Or more importantly the reaction they cause.

You start the day, same as always, but when the Manager tells you the Regional manager is coming down suddenly everything has to be tidied. My job was to 'hide' everything that didn't have a current need or place to be,up in the POS room, which is pretty much the dumping ground for everything.

I hoover, I sweep up the down stairs, I make sure all the boxes are put away in the POS room, I even get Kieren worrying about me not having my name badge. He was swearing, cursing and genereally being in a paniced mood.

When Kevin the regional manager arrives the first thing Kieren says to me is "Just kill me now"

Five minutes later Kevin is gone. The only comment I think we recieved was...tidy stockroom. You better believe it is buster, that's my area.

It amazes me sometimes how a manager can get so paniced over a five minute visit with isn't even an inspection.

Poor Kieren. He's not even gonna be at this store after Christmas. And that means another new manager, or possibly the company will finally wake up and say "Hey, why not let Rich be the manager he's been a deputy for over TWO YEARS NOW"


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