Happy New Year

Jan 02, 2020 21:22


So, it turns out I didn't post at all last year. Bad, bad blogger. It's not that nothing happened last year, I just spent less time online and tended to write things down in a physical journal instead. But looking back at old entries, I do miss recounting my travels and activities. Even if no one reads them, it's nice to have it archived.

So, quick sum up of things that happened last year.

* My Partner Matt moved in with me. It's been quite an adjustment, but we've done well.

* I have a niece named Beatrix, born in Aug. She is still so tiny and adorable.

* Saw Les Miserable in Concert which was amazing. Michael Ball as Javert was jarring, but it was so good to see him sing live.

* I got to drive a Gran Torino around a track. So awesome!

* I dyed my hair greeny blue, which I love.

* I attended Secret Cinema presents Stranger Things, which was a lot of fun. Rock on!

And I booked a holiday to Walt Disney World Florida in Oct! I can not wait.

Of course I did a lot of other things, but I don't have the time an effort to write them all down. I guess I'll just have to update more often.

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