Yorkshire Part Two

Oct 02, 2016 22:50

And I return to tell you the second half of my Yorkshire adventure!

So, seeing how we were in Yorkshire we decided to check out a few things in York. The first being The Railway Museum, which was free, though they encourage a donation. It was in essence a giant warehouse/room filled with trains, which sounds like my dad's idea of heaven. There were a far variety, including an ambulance train, The Mallard (Fastest steam train) and a replica of The Rocket.
They also had some behind the scenes type stuff that was interesting.

Our next stop was the York Cold War Bunker. I've never shown too much interest in the cold war, but this I did find very interesting. It's owned by the English Heritage and they do guided tours of the bunker. No areas are off limit and they explain that the bunker was meant to house 60 people in the event of a nuclear bomb explosion where they would pinpoint using computers and comuniations with other bunkers where the bomb had struck. It only closed in the early 90's.

Afterwards we headed into the city centre (after driving around a bit to get the cheapest parking) for food in a place called The Vault. Good food.
After that we just kinda wondered around York, which I have to say is a city I'm sad I don't live closer to. It's got some wonderful little shops, down cobbled streets with a huge impressive cathedral. Sadly, we arrived to late to go in. We did walk around the gardens which were also really nice. This was the day we stayed out the longest, but it's a shame we weren't there earlier in the day, I could have happily spent a whole day looking around the shops and seeing the sights.


Flamingo Land! A theme park I went to when I was a kid, but have very little memory off. This was the only day we split up, because Pash, Joe and DC wanted to go back to York. To be honest, I wanted to go both, even though I'm not a huge fan of theme parks (apart from Disney) but I went a long to see what it was like.
I didn't go on a single ride. Which normally would mean I wasted my money, but we got the tickets half price and there were some animal shows which I really enjoyed, including sea lions and birds. Both were amazing. Plus there were other animals to look at and I took some pretty cool photos of my friends on rides. Looking back I do wish I'd gone on the log flume ride, but never mind. It was still a fun day out.

In the evening we did a Roleplay. Originally we planned to do two, but we didn't have time so we settled on just doing Joes, which was set in New Orleans in the 30's. I played Birdie Bodean, a sassy singer in a speakeasy. It was a lot of fun, but we had to finish it the following day.


Our last day. We didn't want to go too far as everyone else had very early starts the next day and the weather was pretty horrible, so we once again drove down to Saltburn by the sea and spent a far bit of time in the arcade winning tickets. We won a LOT of tickets between the 7 of us. As a memento of our trip we used the tickets to buy a squishy pool ball each and some plastic "Handsome Men" which looked like cheap Power Ranger knock offs.
We walked alone the pier and back, skipped stones on the beach and rode the cliff lift. Honestly, it was one of my favourite parts of the holiday. The weather even brightened up a bit.

Sadly we had to spend the evening tidying up the house, ready for everyone to leave at 3am the following morning. Not kidding, that was when their plane left. Since I drove I could leave whenever I wanted, but I didn't want to hang about, so I woke up at 7:30am and headed out straight away. I even popped into York quickly to pick up some souvenirs and look around one last time. I got home at 3pm and fell asleep.

Overall, it was a great holiday to a wonderful county that I would gladly visit again. Great accommodation, great company and great times. But next time, unless I have company, I think I'll fly.

holiday, friends, new territory

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