Eddie the Eagle

Apr 13, 2016 20:56

Mother and I went to the cinema today to see Eddie the Eagle. I don't go to the cinema much with my mum, mostly because we rarely want to see the same films, but also we don't usually have the time. But my mum has this two for one cinema tickets thing and we both wanted to see this film.

I will admit, I'd never heard of Eddie the Eagle before I heard about this movie, but the trailer made it look funny and it's got Hugh Jackman in, which is a win in my book.

My thoughts: I really liked it. In many ways I'm glad I didn't know the story, because then I would have known roughly how it ended, but I didn't, which made it more tense. It did have some of the cliches you'd find in a typical underdog movies, but they were fairly underplayed an easy to see past.

I did really like Eddie, he had just such determination and spirit. And I love the overall message of the film too. I'd certainly recommend seeing it.

Also Hugh Jackman was hot.


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