They all begin somewhere

Jan 15, 2015 02:19

What do I love most about obsessing over something? How they can come out of nowhere. How they can come about after catching a random episode of something on the TV or forcing myself to try out a new show or seeing a film at the cinema. I also love how I can never predict what it will be or when and how I love that even though sometimes I think I've grown out of it, something comes along that proves that's impossible. Feeling passionate about something or being a fan doesn't have an age bracket or limit.

Usually my obsessions come in two types. The first is usually reserved for TV shows, where I obsess over them for months until I've seen everything there is to watch. And then there are flash in the pan ones, where I only obsess for a show times, usually over a movie.

Well, I've found a movie to obsess over and it is The Hobbit. Influenced by the latest movie: The Battle of the Five Armies. I saw it at the cinema for Sarah just before New Years and I really enjoyed it. I'd only just caught up with the Desolation of Smaug a few days before. I hadn't seen the first movie since I'd seen it at the cinema. Since then I have bought the extended editions of the first two movies and seen both of them at least three times. They are long movies so repeated viewings are hard to find time for, but to make up for it I've been watching behind the scenes videos on Youtube and some of the extras on the DVD's.

It's pretty easy to sum up what about the movies I love, it's mostly the Dwarves. I could seriously watch these guys for hours. The things they get up to one their journey, the trials and tribulations. They're very comical, but also manage to have some seriousness to them, mostly in the form off their leader Thorin.
I also like the look of the movie, the sets, the locations and most off my favourite scenes are out of the book, such as the trolls, escaping in the barrels and the riddles with Gollum and Bilbo. It's a fun little journey movie with some beautiful images, fun characters and yes, some of the added stuff, I feel, is unessisary, but I just focus on the stuff with the Dwarves. That's where my attention also helps that some of them are...quite good looking dwarves.

Now I'm looking forwards to seeing the extended version of the last installment. Shame I'll have to wait months for it. 


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