Geeky confessions

Sep 21, 2014 20:07

So, my friend reaperfox made a post about Geeky Confessions, which was inspired by this post

The idea is intriguing and I figured I'd have ago at it myself. I'm not sure if mine are very shocking, but here they are:

I didn't like Akira

It's considered one of the grandaddies of Anime and yet when I watched it with my brother years ago, I didn't know what was going on and overall I didn't enjoy it. I've never wanted to admit it because people make such a big deal about how good it is. Maybe I need to rewatch it since it was a long time ago, but at the time I just couldn't get into it and thought it was just too weird.

I have no interest at all in playing Warahammer

I have a few friends who like Warhammer and they build armies and colour the little figures, but as colourful and amazing as some of the figures are I have no interest in playing Warhammer. I'm usually up for at least giving something a try, but Warhammer I really don't care about even doing that.

I've never completed a whole Star Trek series.

I do love my Star Trek. I've watched all the movies multiple times and I've seen many episodes many times, but I've never seen every episode of any of the 5 shows. Well, I might have seen all of TNG, but I watched them when I was little and I can't remember if I saw them all. Same goes for the original series, but I know I haven't finished Voyager, DS9 or Enterprise. I feel like a bad fan for not completing at least one.

I like Batman Forever.

From what I understand of Batman movies, the first two Tim Burton movies are consisdered good (and in some circles the best) and the following two, Batman Forever and Batman and Robin are bad and while I agree that Batman and Robin was horrible, I like Batman Forever. I thought Val Kilmer was a pretty good Batman, I like Chris O'Donnell as Robin (in this movie at least) and I found the bad guys kinda fun. I like my villians to be a little over the top some times. It also scares me less than the first two.

So, that's my confessions. I probably have more, like I've never read Lord of the Rings. Though, I have played a Zelda game...techincally. I didn't get very far with it. 

star trek, tv shows, anime, movies

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