Warning: Doctor Who post mostly.

May 26, 2009 19:45

Firstly: Yay! War Games out on the 6th of July!

Secondly: It's probably not a good idea to listen to an interview with Frazer Hines I hadn't heard before on my ipod while at work. It makes me giggly. Although, I didn't get any weird looks. I think people are just used to me or something.

Thirdly: Apparenty at one stage there was an episode of Doctor Who where Jamie had to disguise himself as a girl! Why was this not filmed!?

Forthly: I ordered a new power lead for my laptop. My current one is broken and barely working.

Edit: Those are some of the photos I took at Expo.


Currently Reading: Culloden by John Prebbles.

doctor who, photos

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