Sep 02, 2008 23:25
I've been in out of the house all day.
This morning was my appointment with my therepist.
That ended at 11pm and I got back around half past. After lunch I went to see my nan who I haven't seen in a while. We chatted, my dad showed up for a cup of tea and then went back to work. I was only there for an hour and a half, but by the end some things were being repeated. My nan's still got most of her marbles, but she does repeat things a fair bit.
When I got back I spent the afternoon printing off my novel and generally relaxing until 5:30 when I went up to the Sports Centre. They've just started this thing called Groove FX. Which is a dance class that mixes all kinds of dancing, like disco, R&B, hip hop and the like. It was a lot of fun, I'll certainly go next week.
After that I went over to my dad girlfriend's house, as she invited me the day before. Unfortunately she wasn't there when I turned up, but my dad was, so I sat and talked to him for an hour before she turned up. I didn't stay long. I wanted to get home and have my dinner. I'm not used to having my evening meal at 9pm.
And now I'm tired...but tomorrow I'm going to Bath to meet up with friends. YAY