Jan 08, 2008 21:37
You know what I'm sick of? Finding Buffy fan fics where Spike finds a vampire feeding on Xander and decides BECAUSE HE'S ALMOST DEAD to turn him to a vampire because it will save him. For crying out loud, just because Angel has a soul and Spike got all messed up doesn't mean all vampires are good. In fact they mention in the show that being a vampire is worse than being dead. You know I can understand people wanting to write fan fics where Xander or Willow or Buffy get turned into vampires (mmm, The Wish) but it's the way in which they do it that piss me off.
*sigh* I've finished watching the first season of Buffy and was in the mood for some fan fiction, but I think I'll leave it.
Currently Reading: The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid by Bill Bryson.
fan fiction