Message I received today, someone from Invisible Children seeking to do some good in Uganda

Jun 26, 2008 15:50

I just wanted to tell you all - all of you who supported Books for
Burma, that it was a huge success in the end. We ended up receiving more books than we knew what to do with! :) And it's all thanks to your donations.

I must admit, this message comes with another motive as well as a much overdue 'Thank You'.

Currently, I am attempting to raise the funds to travel to northern
Uganda in exactly two weeks. For the first half of the trip, I'll be traveling with a small team, working with Children of the nations in the IDP camps of Lira. We'll be focusing on medical needs, art therapy, and physical education, working with children of all ages as well as former child soldiers.

At the end of that adventure, I'll be traveling back to the south,
saying farewell to my team as they return home, and meeting up with a small group of fellow roadies and interns from Invisible Children Inc.

The rest of the trip will be spend back in the north, in Gulu visiting the schools that are part of the Invisible Children's Schools for Schools program, and getting the chance to meet the mentors and Invisible Children Ugandan staff.

Here's where I need help.
I've been panhandling with my guitar in front of grocery stores, asking friends and family, and organizing yard sales, but I'm still short and have exactly two weeks left.

Yellow Fever vaccine + Malaria pills: $190
Plane Ticket + CotN housing and food: $3257
Week between CofN & Invisible Children: $245
Invisible Children housing and food: $550
Month of extra spending: $100
Uganda Visa: $50

That's a total of: $4,392

Even $5 would be a small help - Just think of it as going without
buying Starbucks for a few days.
Or that pack of gum while waiting in line at Target?

My PayPal Account is:¤cy_code=USD&lc=US&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8

And if you're uncomfortable with PayPal, my address for this summer is:

Andie Miller
6057 Meade Ave.
San Diego, CA 92115

All checks should be made out to either 'Flood' or 'Invisible Children


You can also just donate money straight to Invisible Children:

Invisible Children
Attn: Andie Miller to Uganda
2705 Via Orange Way, Suite B
Spring Valley, CA 91978

And to keep up with the adventure, I'll be updating my blog:

As well as my 'Group':

Thank you again, and PEACE always.
Andie Miller
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