Jun 14, 2009 16:26
My friends list has become too spammy for my own good, so I have hacked away a few communities to help make it more manageable.
While I'm tickled to see the trek communities sprout new lives because of the new trek movie, I have simply found them exhausting, spammy and worthless in their ridiculous iterations of 'oh hai, here is my review of the movie.' For god sakes people, use your own journal to write your own reviews; that's what it is there for; not to tell 5,000 people you went and saw the new trek movie. No shit, so did a few other million people. Get over it. Your opinion just isn't that damned important. :P
Also, I have dropped a few of the Merlin communities (yes, I know this is equally shocking to me dropping some of the trek communities) because I just find that I never read the flipping 'news' summary because it is really just a listing of 5,000 other fanfics which I could really give two shits about. Sure, I'm glad those fans love their fan fictions--and I'm actually pleased to watch the fan videos--but those are rare and few in between the gluttony of 500 other fan fictions shipping yet another pairing of Merlin characters. And really, why the hell don't they use a cut to keep their entries a little more trim for those who look at all the Merlin communities anyway? God sakes already; enough of the 'news' channels documenting every lackeys fan fiction and their 500 part series. Gah, I can't take it anymore.
I've also dropped a few of the spanish communities. While I don't necessary wish to stop some of my learning of the language, I too find myself just skipping over them. Sometimes they have an interesting question or whatever, but mostly it is 'oh hai, can some1 korrect mai essay 4 skool? kthxbye!' I really don't give a shit anymore, so I canceled a few of those communities.
My hope is just to get a little bit cleaner of a friends list. Don't worry, however, I haven't hacked any friends; I really don't see a need to do that. Folks can come and go as they please; that is the freedom of live journal and the concept of free will. And anyway, if I don't want you seeing something, you don't see it anyway. I have some security groups I manage, and I manage their sensitivies based upon the person or persons, so that is enough for my comfort level while posting fairly sensitive things 'on the net.'
Anyway, just a small housekeeping update which really only affected me and no one else reading this (in a direct fashion.) Headache is almost gone if not already unnoticeable. Shoulders still sore but working through that too. Less thirsty now after a few glasses of water. Hopefully I'll keep right and rain before sleeping tonight. Wheeeeeee.
(Maybe I should play some Sims 3 to get my fun meter up a bit?)