Wednesday Post? *gasp!*

Nov 26, 2003 17:17

Quite a rarity for me, eh? --To post on a Wednesday night? Well the truth of the matter is that I'm at work on a day I'm normally off. The good news is that it'll be straight OT. The bad news is that my co-worker called in because his Mother is feeling ill. He cares dearly for her, so he has all my good hopes regarding his Mom.

So here I type away in the data center, as usual. I had a few things I wanted to update others on, since most of them are positive--a nice change. ;)

Topic number one is the cursed car fiasco. After much toil between Becky, and Bill, a resolution to the Lewis car has finally been reached. As a matter of fact, it's the same damn proposal we've wanted all along: Bill pays the car payment. This gets him privledge to use the car to and from work as needed. This limits his from traveling out of town to visit Alicia in Smith Valley, and perhaps other things around town. Also Bill is to assume the hundred bucks it takes for Becky to insure Lewis' car--again, something Bill wanted to do the entire time. He is to do this until he is able to buy operators insurance--something which costs a good five-hundred bucks startup plus whatever other fees the insurance companies can come up with. Becky has also made it very plain she wants to no longer hear any issue about the car. If she does, she takes it back to Ford Credit. This is under no conditions, mind you. Translation: If we can't keep it between the three of us, she takes it, and everyone could be fucked.

Well, for our sake, I hope we are able to handle it all. I'm sure we'll be ok. Keep your fingers crossed.

On to other news: I completed my first contract work yesterday. Strangely, it wasn't at all what I was expecting it to be. It was supposed to be an XP migration / upgrade issue lasting from 5 to 8 hours. However, it ended up being a service call for an Endocrinology lab, which hosted this cute 2.0Ghz PC which played an American Diabetes Association video. Attached to a nice LCD, it happily displayed cute facts regarding diabetes. However, the dial-up feature which downloads the latest "video" wasn't quite working. Attached to a dedicated digital line, I finally figured out someone set the external modem to check for a dial-tone before dialing--this was a big mistake. After removing that "feature" everything worked exactly as planned--up until early this morning.

My contact emailed me and asked him to call him. I gave him a quick call before coming into work today, and he indicated he believes the external modem might be bad. He confirmed it worked all night as it was supposed to, right up until early in the morning. He asked if he could call on me to install a new modem on that PC sometime in the new future--of course, I gladly agreed. Good to know he is willing to send me out on another job. =)

I also emailed my original contact, indicating to him if I was still able to help with the XP migration / upgrade job. He said that if (when?) it opens up again, he'll let me know.

So possibly two pending contract jobs sometime in the near future. So far so good, eh? I'm quite pleased actually. Between this work, more OT at work, Thanksgiving holiday pay, I've actually managed to earn money everyday of this week. LOL. Not bad, huh. ;)

On another topic, I took a little political proaction tonight. After hearing that Senate Joint Resolution 26 might be voted on sometime soon, I opted to email both of our Nevada Senators my thoughts on the matter.

For those unfamiliar with the bill see this press release:

This bill is geared at one final and ultimate end: Make marriage for straight people exclusively. It has the heart and intent of a big bully who is capable of pushing whomever it wants around, without any reprocussions. They have full intent of modifying the Constitution to specifically curtail marriage as a man and a woman exclusively, thus forever denying the right of those part of the Gay, Lesbian, and Transgendered community to marry those they choose.

I wrote up a letter and emailed it both to Senator Reid, and Senator Ensign. They both have appropriate web sites with which to do this, and I've yet again taken advantage of it to voice my opinion on such a serious matter.

If interested, you may see my letter here:

Dear Mr. Reid / Mr. Ensign,

I'm writing you regarding the Senate Joint Resolution 26. I'm sincerely hoping you are opposed to this proposition, as it is the only proposition in the history of the Constitution, which would intentionally curtail the rights of others, while liberally giving them to others.

This idea goes against the very spirit of the US Constitution, and I'm quite confident our forefathers would surely put an end to a bill of this nature, if they had the chance. They don't, however; they've entrusted the people of the US to elect individuals to speak for them in important matters such as this. As an elected official, I'm trusting you to make the just and proper choice--not a choice made by personal or religious beliefs.

Again, I sincerely hope you choose wisely in this matter--for my right to marry whom ever I choose is on the line. How would you feel at this moment if your right to choose were on the line? How would you feel right now if someone else had the right to deny you a fundamental right--simply because they can?

Surely you wouldn't be casual about such a matter. I would be willing to fight for your rights if the tables were reversed; I truly hope you are willing to fight for mine now.

Again, I implore you to please consider this while voting for Senate Joint Resolution 26.

Thank you for your time and attention in this matter.

Also, the Human Rights Campaign organization has asked for donations to help put up full-page ads in the USA Today paper. Amazingly, they were successful in raising well over $150,000 to do so. They have a series of ads in PDF format if you'd like to view them ahead of time. You may view them here:

While I can't say I've been in a position to donate money to such a great cause, I would implore you to do so if you have a few bucks. If interested, you may do that here:

On one last final note, we have the house bustling with Thanksgiving stuffs. Lewis has been baking pies, and trying to get ready for tomorrows dinner. We've cordially invited Andi, Becky and Priscilla. If anyone else is looking for a good home during Thanksgiving, and you don't have one, just email me. ;)

On a side note, Bill is going to share Thanksgiving with Alicia at her parents house, since they are going out of town. Bill will be borrowing my car to do so, since Lewis' car isn't to leave the city. I've been blunt and told him he's taking his chances, and that no guarantee is given or implied. He agreed. ;)

In either case, before coming to work we managed to clean up the place a bit; we found new homes for boxes which have been sitting arond the house cluttering up the place, and are seeking to setup a nice table for everyone to sit at tomorrow. If all goes well, this should be rather kewl. What's even better is that I'm getting holiday pay tomorrow. Yay free money. ;)

Well that's about it for the moment. I hope everyone has a good holiday. Eat, drink, donate and be merry. I'll talk with you all later. Comments always welcome.

human rights, politics, rant, legal, roommates

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