Wow no update for 11 days?!

Nov 21, 2003 19:45

It's rather hard to believe it's been 11 days since an update. Thank goodness only one person checked to see if I was alive. ;) Thanks Nancyleg@$#@$^ LOL --wait, Steve technically checked too. LOL. Thanks guys. :)

However, things have sorta sucked as of late. For the last week or so I've been sick. Save the heavens, I even called in! Three times! But that's ok--that's what PTO is for anyhow. When I get sick, I GET SICK. Thankfully that's over tho--Lewis was threatening to take me to the hospital for a fever which was pretty damn high--fortunately, an unnecessary action.

So anyhow, back up and running. Despite all of the time I can't really say a lot has changed. I finally beat Tron 2.0; I've been playing my happy little Sims game, and I virtually could give-a-shit about EverQuest at the moment.

As a matter of fact, I'm seeking to sell my account to the highest bidder. I have a few leads out as we speak. One person already offered $50 regardless of levels, platinum, or gear; frankly, that sucks, so I'm still open to any offers.

For those not aware of some of the EQ-squabbles, let me provide a small summary:

Our online guild, the Black Dragon Fellowship, was incidentally, or accidentally disbanded. We are still totally unsure how this occurred, but it left more than 100 players across the world unable to communicate with their guild mates. Those who use our supplemental Yahoo! Groups were able to email each other, but the majority of people didn't seek to.

I immediately petitioned the guild masters to re-create the guild. I also scurried up 10 player accounts, logged them all in, and officially requested a guild charter from scratch. All of this BS happened on or near the 3rd of the month.

Thus far shit point shit has happened; the right arm of EQ is oblivious to the left arm of EQ, and thusly nothing whatsoever has happened. Yet this isn't the part that pisses me off: People have left in droves to other guilds, despite our pleas to be patient while EQ gets the guild re-created. Even those most loyal have finally buckled under the permanent silence of EQ's non-critical approach to our situation and have sought more established guilds.

Translation? I'm frankly dismayed at all the people I've been putting in spurious amounts of time and energy as co-guild leader. I feel I've been totally left in the dumpster by those whom are supposedly important to the guild; loyal to the guild; those who are the ones who tote the important values of honor, family, and helpfulness--only to quit as soon as it isn't convenient anymore. Well fuck them anyhow, and the guild they joined in spite. That's my personal opinion, and I stand by it.

So when you consider my heaped up feelings about the people I was supposedly putting in time and effort for their own benefit, the fact I've generally grown tired and weary of the EQ game in general, and the fact it does nothing but suck up money, and give nothing in return, I've strongly considered selling my account to the highest bidder.

And I still may do so. But not for $50. That's just too little money for too much work.

On to other things I suppose.

How about the new Myst game? Uru:

Uru is D'ni for "large gathering" according to the FAQ section. This newest sequel to the Myst / Riven / Exile series boasts several new feature sets: Personalized avatar (player) custom fit to your look / style. It also boasts incredibly large and amazingly immersible new ages which you can explore in an entire 3-d fashion--no more clicks to move around. With your customizable avatar, you walk/run/move through the entire age completely unencumbered. Of course they've outdone themselves yet again with the graphics, the lead of the plot, and the ending has something totally unseen thus far: You may continue it in the online version of the game.

Out of one online game and into another per chance? Could be fun. Perhaps not as well. We'll see. I don't know how much the online version of Uru costs per month, but maybe I just need a general switch of online type games. Maybe just a fresh start altogether; not sure really.

What's scary is that my PC meets the "minimum" requirements: P3 800Mhz. They recommend up to 2Ghz system with between 2-4Gb of storage. The video card requirements are outrageous as well, and I'm sure the RAM is equally staggering. It's only been out for a few weeks; no good prices on ebay yet. Will keep an eye out tho.

On different notes, things with Bill have almost stabilized on the home front. Things were getting virtually intolerable in the Lewis' World[tm]. Bill indiscriminatingly eating cereal 3-4 bowls at a time, not providing any grocery money, taking money back for the latest car payment after already offering the money, and I'm sure a few other things worth mentioning have been straining all of our patience.

At virtual gun point I was forced to open up a meeting so that we could all openly talk about some of the problems occurring thus far. I opened the meeting with the inconveniently withdrawn car money, and tested the water. He acknowledged that while he put the full payment of the car in a hidden location (known only to me and Lewis) he later realized he was out of money, and withdrew $110 of the already-earmarked money without saying a word. Me, being a decent sport, went to deposit the money, discovered it was short the original value, but proceeded to make the online payment anyhow.

In patience I hoped he would communicate all of the events as planned; he did. He admitted that eating out a lot with Alicia, and other things which took away his money reserve forced him to take away money he did indeed set aside. I shared with him the honest thought that I hoped this wasn't going to be a habit; he said it wasn't. I also shared the thought of grocery money as a communal thing seems questionable, since only one party is contributing. He offered to go shopping after we met up in the Peppermill last night after cashing his check. He actually made good on that offer, yet we virtually bought all items of drink, since this is a sore spot in his grocery agenda.

All 3 of us talked for quite a few hours. Lewis was able to bring up the "house-bitch" issues, highlighting what he contributes to the house and how he felt Bill's persistence in making Lewis subservient(sp) was simply impossible.

They also talked about the issues of the mutual friends, and some of the awkwardness Bill has placed on Lewis with regards to Andi. Me and Bill also vented things regarding Becky & Priscilla, and how they only complain to Lewis about issues. We all agreed to not feel hindered to tell them anything we wouldn't tell each other, nor would we use Lewis to vent our issues with them.

We finally agreed on the dinner arrangements for Thanksgiving, since there was possible conflict with Bill, Alicia and Andi. Bill and Alicia will have dinner at her parents, while they are away; the rest of us will have dinner at our place. Tho I have mixed feelings of having Becky & Priscilla at our place, since they are supplying the turkey, I feel a little less hesitant--or should that make it doubly-so? Hmm.

Well while I don't have the remaining money in my hands yet, nor the money for the upcoming rent, I can't say things are technically square with the 3 of us, but I can say the talking seems like it resolved quite a bit. Perhaps we should have more talks like this to avoid obvious (or mysterious) issues--especially in a house of all water signs. ;)

Alas, I also have some great news! (NOTE: Topic switch!) It's too bad I put it way down here after all of this other dribble, but just hit my brain...

I've been hired for a one-day tech contract!, a recruiting source which thus far has been utterly useless up to the day before, finally proved something of it's worth! I get an email from this fellow asking if I'd be available for some upcoming work in Reno. He asks for my resume, as well as a reply as soon as possible. I comply and offer my phone in case he'd like to call.

He calls like an hour later. He tells me someone in town needs a bunch of PCs updagraded to Windows XP; that the job should take 5-8 hours, and that they're willing to pay $20.00 per hour. Hell yeah, I'll do that! ... The job is scheduled for Nov 25th--a Tuesday. Knowing it's one of my days off I happily agree. He emails me the W-9, a letter agreeing to the contract, and my time clock form to keep track of my time.

While I don't know what I'm upgrading FROM, I know that upgrading to XP itself shouldn't be hard. He says they've done this at other sites without any problems and promised those that I will work for will contact me soon so I know who I'm actually working with for the day, where they are at, and general building information.

So I'm totally excited! My FIRST contract work. $20 an hour is a good way to start too, I might add. Perfect timing for the holidays too, especially if I can ride this the whole 8 hours. I'm definitely going to go back to and make sure I'm available for contract work. ;)

There's a few other job things brewing in the background as well; in one of my hapless nights of high fever and generally achy-ness of sleeping TOO much, I hoped on the PC and looked up RGJ classifieds: I found the Reno Gazette Journal itself is hiring for an IT System Analyst, something while I virtually do already as Systems Technician. So I put together a small cover letter, updated my resume and send it back their way. Thus far no word from them, so we'll see.

Also Steve noted a kewl position with the Juvy Court system. While I haven't had time to apply since discovering his email, I will try to take care of that tonight. Very good prospects, I believe, on both positions. Again, we'll see.

While I enjoy my job here, I can't help but feel I could be making more, doing something a little more challenging. I keep waiting for the Post Office to step-up and take me up on their offer, but as of yet I just keep getting chased by the pencil-pushers wanting all their useless data.

Again, another wait and see sort of thing.

Oh another note, I've decided to step back up to the plate and do some of my spiritual reading in an effort to rekindle some of my energy work abilities. Re-reading through a good chapter from "The Chakras and the Human Energy Fields" by Shafica Karagulla, M.D. and Dora van Gelder Kunz, I re-opened by mind to the idea of clairvoyance, reading auras, and being able to understand my own better.

This interest, along with my future plans of the Master Cleanse de-tox / diet have hopefully spurred on some spiritual growth on my behalf--growth which is far overdue in my opinion. Great book, and an interesting plan. For more details, see:

While this is the text version of the original publication in 1976, I'll post the PDF I have another day and let you take a look at the professional version. For the meantime, let me summarize it by this: A water / lemon juice / organic maple syrup / cayenne pepper diet which lasts for 10 days. No solid food whatsoever. Additional de-tox which consists of non-iodized sea-salt and a quart of water in the AM, and a laxative tea in the PM. Anywhere from 6-12 glasses of this lemonade drink, depending on your hunger / how much weight you want to lose, and it lasts a minimum of 10 days; a max of 40. Additional de-tox of parasites, of the kidney, liver and the body in general can also be performed independently--especially useful near the end of the diet since the body is already discarding toxins from the body safely.

Overall, it sounds like fun, and it sounds challenging. People report losing a pound a day, getting more energy, and keeping half of that weight off for months at a time.

Anyhow tho--just "food" for thought. This plan, along with some intense meditation sessions might prove useful. I'm definitely hoping so. We shall see tho.

Ok, so I think I've talked everyone’s ear off for one evening. Hopefully no one fell asleep in the meantime. ;) As always, comments welcome. Off to read my book for an hour before I get out of here for the evening. Have a great night. :)

everquest, myst, rant, master cleanse

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