My other blog

Sep 01, 2009 02:18

Ok so a few posts back i mentioned about setting up a blogspot account so that I can post Nuffnang advertisements on it and earn myself some extra pocket money. While the pocket money part hasn't came true yet, I have actually gotten around to set up a new blogspot account. For the moment, the contents are identical to posts that I update here. However, something that i've received in my mail today has triggered a new enthusiasm in me towards blogging. I was really excited when I saw the box because i've never received something this big (& free) through the mail before.  Here's what I received this morning:

A Welcome pack from Nuffnang for signing up with them

A thank-you note from Nuffnang together with Coles & Myer $10 gift card:

And these awesome goodies that I can utilise for my cookings and my exploration of haircare products to find the perfect ones for my hair:

I was aware of the Nuffnang Coles & Myer Group $10 gift card competition through my friend, who received the same $10 gift card and has spent it on making a sweet treat which we latter label as: "Annedamisu" (her nickname + tiramisu). As I was brainstorming for ideas on how I should spend my $10 gift card on, I realised that the competition has closed on 31st August!!! That's so careless of me. I should've noted down the closing date of the competition and came up with something by tonight in order to try my luck for a $100 voucher. Regardless, I will still try my best to come up with a creative idea on how I should spend my $10 gift card.

As for my other blog: Flavour of life (title taken from my favourite Utada Hikaru's song), please visit it and leave comments, click the ads, and participate in the polls whenever you're free. Right now, it still contains duplicate posts from this livejournal account, but i will also devote my time to create unique posts that will be different from these livejournal posts in the future. I will keep updating this livejournal account of mine, because it has the lovely "friends page" function and network that I haven't established yet on blogspot. I will really appreciate it too if you can refer my blog: when you sign up for a Nuffnang account. You'll get freebies like I did!! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~~

On a side note, my friend's colleagues have been visiting her after they heard about her car accident. She was delighted from all the care and concern. Here's what many of her colleagues and friends have brought her:

Being surrounded by so many bouquets of flowers will undeniably brightened up your mood somehow. She's still recovering and i hope that she'll get well soon so that she can go back to work and meet all those colleagues who care so much about her.

blog, flowers, nuffnang

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