Aug 01, 2009 21:52
There's nothing more frustrating to me than to dig up my rusty brain-memory-stick trying to remember the song title and singer of that certain song....
There's this song that used to be really famous....probably around 1999 - 2001. It's a pop genre( there's quite a bit of rap involved) Korean + English mix song sung by male and female singers. I know i'm not making sense... but if any of those descriptions trigger a song in your mind, please share the song title with me~~ :p I thought Akon was involved... but when i looked through the list his songs online, i can't find the title that lights up the bulb in my head :p
Thanks much~~~!!!!
PS: Teriyaki Boys - Fast & Furious tokyo drift song is kinda similar to the song that I'm trying to figure out :p