Feb 04, 2005 22:12
yo mo fos whats cracka lackin...naw im just kiddin any ways i just go thome from some fun times w/ the boys, now im sittin here gettin ready to call kim and such. Been thinkin alot about next yr and what ill do if i become dm, one thing is practice uniforms. white shirts, section shorts. gotta get used to the uniform thing. ya dont like it? quit. i don treally care. anyway, thats gonna b my attitude should i make it. im gonna do what the best thing is to do to the best o fmy knowledge, which will b better by the end o fthe summer, and if some1 objects and says no, then they wont be participating for th erest of the practice, and they will get horn shining duty for the week's show. simple as that. anyway, to a more positive note, i got my first paycheck today, not as much as id hoped but it was good all the same. gonna open up a checkin account tomorrow, things r startin to get back on the right track again, especially in band. ill post again soon.
Captain Matson