1. The Folktale by Stith Thompson
ISBN: 0-520-03537-2
Bought for: $30, Sell for $15
Used once, Slight bend on cover, Small Water Damage
REQUIRED READING FOR: LIT 4322 The Folktale with Professor Robert Thomson
2. L'enfant Océan by Jean-Claude Mourlevat
ISBN: 2-266-12232-0
Bought for: $10, Sell for $5
Used, Slight Writing
3. I Was a Child of Holocaust Survivors by Bernice Eisenstein
ISBN: 978-1-59448-260-1
Bought for $15, Sell for: $7
Used, Like New
REQUIRED READING FOR: LIT 4930 Children & War: The Graphic Novel with Dr. Anastasia Ulanowicz
4. Pastiche: Cultural Memory in Art, Film, Literature by Ingeborg Hoesterey
ISBN: 0-253-21445-9
Bought for: $20, Sell for: 10
Used, Like New
REQUIRED READING FOR: LIT 3400 Internet Literature with Professor Gregory Ulmer
5. Joseph Cornell's Vision of Spiritual Order by Lindsay Blair
ISBN: 0-948462-49-3
Bought for: $25, Sell for: $12
Used, Like New
REQUIRED READING FOR: LIT 3400 Internet Literature with Professor Gregory Ulmer
6. Jack in Two Worlds: Contemporary North American Tales & Their Tellers by William Bernard McCarthy, Cheryl Oxford, and Joseph Daniel Sobol, Edited by: William Bernard McCarthy
ISBN: 0-8078-4443-8
Bought for: $25, Sell for: $12
Used, Like New
REQUIRED READING FOR: LIT 4322 The Folktale with Professor Robert Thomson