Jan 24, 2005 00:37
Haha. I am goin insane in this house of mine, gotta leave, really really soon.lol. Last night I did absolutely nothing. Probably one of the most boring nights in a long time. Had a fight with my dad which pretty much ruined my night and my little cousin was really sick and had to go to the emergency room. Drove down to Homestead of course to help out and see that little demon child cousin of mine. Shes doin much better now which is awesome, one less stressful matter off my shoulders,hehe. Didn't get to see John last night which sucks major hairy balls! Pretty much bummed around today. I ran for a while at the park and then got ready for work. Work was quite interesting today seeing that I got asked out by 3 of my fellow employees, yuck! Dirty people. For those of you who don't know this,lol..restaurant people are very dirty,lol. Except for Melissa! So yea, now I'm gonna feel all akward at work now, sucks so bad too. All these guys I thought I was all cool with and then they had to go and make things weird.
Well the highlight of my wonderful joyous night was gettin home and listening to my mom yell at me about stupid stupid things for like a half hour and me getting upset about it. Things get worse and worse by the day around this place I swear. Love my parents to death,but need to try and salvage whatever relationship we can still have so thats why I need out of house so badly. Other than that, guess life has been good to me. Oh yes and John wants me to go to Orlando this weekend which would be freaking awesome. I would so love to get away for the weekend,but I don't know if I'd be able to get the time off..:( We'll see though, would be cool. Alrity, gotta get back to this insanely long outline. nItEs!