Title: Takanori's birthday tale, lost Akira or I love you...
Author: UeLuwsAkiraRei
Chapter(s): part 1/ part 2/ part 3/ part 4
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, lil drama
Warnings: Bad english.
Pairings: Reita x Ruki; Ruki x Reita.
Summary: It's Ruki's birthday, but Reita forgot it. What should he do?
Comments: Sorry It's been a while ><'' I had many things to do :( but there you have it :DD It's the third part! I though I will end this on this part, but... Sorry :(( did you missed me? *lol*
So.. Like usually, comments are welcomed,loved, hugged and liked :D even hater comments.
P.s I love when I see that "1 comment" >< I just have to push that button! x33
Enjoy :))
Takanori opens the window. Looks at the ground. Panics.
"It's only secound floor. Nothing will happen if I will be careful..." he tryes to comfort himself. "I hope so..." he swallows his panic. He have to do this. For Akira. To find Akira... "Be a man Ruki!!" that doesn't help at all, he's too scared.
Boy looks at the tree in front of him. Tryes to reach -it's too far. He need to jump.
"Woff!" small bark escapes from little dog next to him.
Takanori looks at his dog and sights when he sees those big eyes look at him with fear and unsureness.
"I know, Inu~chan! No need to tell me..." Ruki sights again"...I am going to do this anyway."
He stands on the edge of windows sill and starts to rock back and forth.
More rocking... and...
Takanori reaches one of strongests brenches and pull himself in. He sits on branch and breath the last drops of fear that was in him. When his heartbeat stops a little, he starts slowly to get down. At that secound, he was really happy. He did it! he just needed to get down safely and he can start to search for Reita! Oh, how he missed that blonde. If he saw him now...He surely hug him and say that he liked him...but, what would Reita say? That he loves him too? That would never...
...and then one of his feets slip from branch and he fall into snow.(flip~flops is not the best shoes in winter)
"Ugh!" was the only thing he managed to say.
Puppy started to bark like say to Ruki "I told you! Now, come back here!".
But boy didn't even thought about coming back. In bare secound, dad's voice reached his ears.
"What's going on in there?!"
Takanori didn't had time to think, quickly, he stood up and started to run. It was really hard task for him, because whole street was covered by snow and ice and his leg started to hurt badly... But he didn't care, he needed to get away far from this house.
He runned and runned, when he was pretty far from home he stopped.
Minutes passed and cold wind started to blow, so Takanori had to start walking, other wise he's going to freeze to giant ice cube...
In Ruki's mind little "works to do list" started to get more full.
Run away from home? Check.
Don't get caught by parents? - Ruki looks around - check.
Find Akira? . . . well. . .about that...
"Where should I look for him?" well, he didn't though about that...
The only things in Ruki's mind all the time, were: is Akira safe? Is Akira lost? Did Akira even liked him? What did he say if Ruki say "I like you"? Takanori was daydreaming and worrying all the time at home, but now, when he's here and "searching" for Akira, he doesn't know where to go!
"I feel like totally baka..." boy sighed.
It's started to snow heavily..
Night sky was full of stars, so beautiful to watch, Takanori loved to watch it when Reita was with him. Boy loved to look at others eyes like to a mirror... Those brown eyes with stars in it's color looked so beautiful...
Ruki blushes now. How come he didn't understood sooner? But he never though of his best friend this way!
Boy blushes even more. If they loved each other, or liked what ever... Doesn't it mean that they're going to go out together? Doesn't that mean that they're going to held each others hand, hug and...kiss?
"Wait, so...Akira would be my...boyfriend?" Ruki couldn't understand "...Then... What would I be?"
He stopped a little. "I don't want to be a girlfriend D:"
Takanori shooked his head. "That doesn't mean anything, maybe he doesn't even like me..." boys heart clenched. He didn't want to be this way. He wanted to everything be okey. No drama...
Yeah right.
It's life, not some tale, so you always have it...
Ruki started to walk again. Now, he started to look for his friend. He needed to talk to the blond, otherwise he's going to get insane.
Takanori looked around all the street and squere, but didn't find anything like Akira...
Hour passed and Ruki reached the park where he and Akira met.
Boy was freezed to death, all wet from snow, wind just blow right through him. He sat on bench next to some tree and started to blow hot air. But that didn't helped him at all. He was shivering and he felt that he's going to get sick soon.
"So that's how I am going to find Akira huh...?"
That was stupidest "Saving mission" in his life. Now the only one, who needs to be saved is him. If he goes home, parents going to shout at him. If he be here, he's going to die from cold.
"What a baka me.." Ruki breaths out. Slowly, his eyes began to shut down. That's not good, because if he's going to sleep, he will surely die from cold. But...Sleep seems such an good idea...Mmm...Sleep...
Boy hugs his legs and falls on the bench.. Last time he looks at snow and stars before falling asleep. With Reita in his mind.
Loud voice echoes in darkness. Akira?
Silence, cold, sleep... Nothing to bother Takanori's sleep again. Nah, I am just dreaming...
As Ruki's mind start to sleep again, strong hands grab him by his shoulder and start to shake him. Sleep runs far away, but not too far, because when boy opens his eyes, his vision is still blurry. And he can swear that Akira was standing in front of him!
"Aki..?" Ruki looks at siluate like some kind of alien, but later on, when his vision becames more clearler he saws his best friends face! "Reita..." Ruki's eyes begans to flow with tears and he hugs his best friend with so much streight "AKIRA!!! I am so happy to see you!!! Where you were? I was so worried and-"
"Are you stupid?" but it seems Akira wasn't happy at all.
Ruki's smile dropped. Welcome to reallity...