Well I found another one and did a NEWS one and again it's soo accurate XD!!!
RankNEWS Ranking Favorite (Top) to Least Favorite (Bottom)
My cute cute Shige!!I'm rather content with these results hehe I do find Ryo very interesting and when it comes to Kanjani8 he is one of my favorite's but when it comes to NEWS it's clear who my ICHIBAN is and NIBAN TEGOSHI~~ I find these ranking very cool!!As for Massu I love him soo much aswell just because i like other members more does not mean I dont like him infact he is the only member of which his PV from the daimond DVD is on my IPod!! YAMAPI I just love his singing im addicted to Loveless, as for Koyama he's climbing his way up the ladder to my heart as he just becomes soo cute. His talents are clear and same with Shige just wish someone will recognise them!