Wednesday Afternoon

Oct 24, 2007 15:24

muahaha I jumped in the pool and someone took a picture of me. >>
I have a stalker! O-o; >_o
Aren't I Friggin' adorable!?? :D XP
well anyways I found my wallet! ^_^; <-- i know i seem happy today.
I did left it in the taxi i took with Yama-chan.
The taxi driver was so nice, he saw my I.D in my wallet and came to Osaka High to give it personally. I'm proud to live in this neighborhood.! kinda
Anyways, I am going to take Akanishi's advise.

[FILTERED TO Kamenashi-kun]
So Kamenashi-kun, can you take care of my wallet. I am going to give it to you. && Since you are my dorm mate anyways and i trust you.
It was Akanishi's Idea. :D
Would you? I'll only ask when i need money out of it. And i am saving anyways.
Im going broke since i kept buying food for Takizawa. :/ damn him. Yet i can't refuse him. Anyways would you? Onegaishimasu~
si'l vous plait et merci beaucoup.

[ooc: Maybe the reason Ueda is so giddy cus, Have you seen the NEWS PV?! weeeek. come on! im happy about it! who wouldnt! >-<]


上田竜也 の DIARY, filter: to kamenashi kazuya, [ooc:]

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