Title : koofuku na seekatsu 幸福生活(A Happy Life) -chapter 3-
imayuki aka Kashima Miki
lenten_rose Characters: Kamenashi Kazuya, Akanishi Jin, Taguchi Junnosuke, Tanaka Koki, Ueda Tatsuya, Nakamaru Yuichi, Masuda Takahisa, Yuya Tegoshi, Nishikido Ryo
Pairings: MaruDa, slightly Akame, TaNaka, Nakame
Disclaimer: *Look under her bed* nope they’re not here, only my plain papers. I own the plot and storyline that come from my pervert imagination.
Genre: slash, romance
Length: multi-chap *my 1st multi-chap, please spare me okay ^^;*
Warning: Weird storyline, boy-boy relationship. Some fighting; I guess. Nakamaru’s POV
Summary: Maru realizes that Ueda likes him more than just a friend, but when he’s trying to search for the answer, Ueda would always deny it. Can they live happily ever after? Ah what a suck summary, I always bad with summary... *write something on the sand by using her finger*
A/N: Yea~ finally *happy tears* I have someone who will be my beta starting from this chapter and of course the upcoming fictions ^^ to lenten_rose, arigatou~ honey!!! *tight hug*
can you just forget about it?)
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