I just watch NewS on music station! they were all so nervous to start with!
but oh man i want to learn the dance! it looks like fun xD and then the glasses
*POOF* hahahahahaaa i LOVED IT! they all got into the song after a while
so it was nice!!
Also i've been looking for the making of News summer time pv for ages!
can anyone tell me is there one? and
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The making of the summertime PV is like, 30 seconds. It's not a making of at all, just a few clips smooshed together of them on a green screen with some of the props. I was really disappointed when I finally found it :(
what does perf mean? @_@
heehee they did look like they were having fun xD i want the glasses and pi's hair xD hahahahaa
thats rubbish i wish i could he seen it it looks like it would have been fun =O
the mood theme was from the okamiyage comm. its awesome but i didt upload the 'a' prt properly so i cant have mood with 'a' xD haha
thanks ^^b
i know right! My friend has Ryo's glasses XDD <3
I'll keep my eye out for the making of for you :)
what his actual glasses or just the same! but lucky xD
aww thank you ! =)
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