regarding to this post: NEW INFORMATION ABOUT HSJ ASIA TOUR 2012!!
During their 5th year from debut, Hey! Say! JUMP will be holding their first ASIA TOUR!
Fans from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea!Don't miss it!!
-Show schedule:
KITEC Star Hall, Hong Kong
Sat, March 24, 2012 Show starts at 8:00PM
Sun, March 25, 2012 Show starts at 8:00PM
Ticket price:
-Local ticket sale:
[Hong Kong]
From Tuesday, February 14, 2012
total seats are up to 3600 [just like during yamapi concert last year 2011]
*The show schedule might be subject to change
*Other venues ticket sales information and other updates will be announced via email
once confirmed
online booking:
- it needs to be paid by credit card! so it has extraa costs if you buy tickets from me! i don't know how much the total will be.. but if you can bare the costs you are welcome to comment or pm me.