The worst playoff game ever.

Jan 24, 2010 23:35

This weekend was nice but rushed. Today T and I had brunch with his ex-room-mate's ex-girlfriend and it was a little awkward. Her boyfriend was supposed to come with but he didn't because of his sick puppy in DC. Weird.

I had my back-piece touched up on Thursday and it was OK because my new artist has a light hand but I felt queasy after and hour and and had to stop.

I have an appointment on Saturday for a 3-hour sitting. We're going to start at the top and finish outlining and start filling stuff in. I haven't actually seen progress made on my back-piece in over a year!

My sister came over and we watched the Vikings fumble the ball around the Saints over and over. She knitted and I cross-stitched. We're like old women!

More to come soon! I have to post pictures of my Vegas New Year's trip!

vikings, backpiece, whitney, tattoo, football

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