Nov 02, 2003 22:24
I JUST got home from Arizona. That Deftones concert was a-fucking-mazing. Me and Lindsey both bought 2 tix each, one for each of us and her other one was for Jason and mine was for Aaron. So we go to Aaron's house the night before the concert and we were just chillen with him and stuff (he said some of the funniest shit ive ever heard btw...). And Aarons all "oh ya we need to go down there at 430 and tailgate till the show." So that was the plan. But Aaron didnt answer his phone the whole damn day until fucking like...5:30. So we picked up Steve and went to the show and told Aaron we'd meet him there cuz i had his ticket. So we wait there. And Aarons way late. We called him a million times. His little brother was there before he was. Lame. But ya we waited forever and he didnt come, but i didnt wanna be out the 30$ so we left the ticket at will call. We ended up still getting a place in the front, but on the side. Which was perfect because no crowd surfers were over there :) We were RIGHT by all the speakers ears are still feeling that one. I guess Aaron went all crazy in the pit, people were scared of him and shit. LOL. trying to think of something else to say about the show. Poison The Well was fucking awesome, same with Denali. I liked them a lot actually. Chick singer...always awesome. Anyways...i feel like shit, my mom thinks i have pneumonia so im gonna end this now. Adios...