
Pacific PonyCon Day 1: A new year, a new Convention era

Jan 08, 2016 19:48

Well it looks like my Convention year has started earlier than usual.

For this first day, I invited my dad to check out the convention, treated him to lunch, and check out a panel involving Andrea Libman(Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Bon Bon, Pumpkin Cake, Cloudy Quartz), PEter New(Big Macintosh, Goldie Delicious, Igneous Rock) and Rena Anakwe(Sapphire Shores). For Rena, this is her first convention(Just like with Comic-Con being Tabitha's first convention).

I also checked out tHE Brony Gallery for a bit and the Great Literary Game: Transformative Art(Which brought in some essence from San Diego Comic Fest)

Afterwards, I just hung out, kicked back and relaxed all while waiting for the how to draw ponies panel, which showed a more simplistic way to draw My Little Pony characters.

The big day is tomorrow. Tony Fleecs will have a panel. There will be panels, actors and drawing galore.
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