I spent last weekend on the Thomas Thompson on a field trip for my marine biology class. All it all it was pretty sweet. I didn't knew that it cost $32,000 a day just to operate the damn thing, talk about finally getting my tuitions worth. We just went up and down the sound taking core sediment samples, plankton surveys, and multiple depth CTDs. Not only was it pretty, but hey the food was great too.
The Thompson is pretty big. 300 ft long?
This is a pretty nice get up. I should wear it everyday.
Morning time, up north by Everett. That windsock thing is a net to sample phyto and zoo-plankton at different depths.
Off the Thompson back by the A-frame. The thing with the weights on the right is the soutar core apparatus. It takes samples from the sea floor.
Lowering the CTD off the side. It takes multiple water samples at different depths.