(no subject)

May 20, 2005 20:25

today i was so bored there is absaluty nothing to do everyone is at the dace. so i was sitting abround thinking. why did i brake up with you i still love you like i did before. but now i have the feeling that you dont love me too. so do i call and talk to you and ask you back out or do i just try and let it go. because if i am sapose to do that it wount work i know it. i want to ask you out but i am scared. i just done know anymore i want to do what i want to do its just will it work out or will it be one of those thing that we are just doing out because we went out before. i dont know. it seemed like when we did go out we were intamint but then when i broke up with you it was just because people were telling me to and i know that is wrong but they just keep pushing me. so i think i want you back. NO I DONT THINK I KNOW I WANT YOU BACK PLEASE JUST GIVE ME ANYTHERE CHANGE I LOVE YOU
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