
Feb 01, 2010 10:25

The Intercomm Challenge at rh_intercomm officially closed a few hours ago. And what a turnout we had, with over 230,000 words of Robin Hood fanfic written by 29 different authors, and all in the space of a month!

1. Thank you!

I want to thank everyone who contributed their work, whether drabbles, flash fic or short fic. You are all awesome, and you deserve a healthy round of applause and congratulations. Djaq says shukran!

The full scoreboard for Intercomm is HERE. Many thanks to wastingyourgum for going above-and-beyond in getting this together!

There was no way udontknowdjaq was ever going to catch up with treatallanright (79,847 words!) and robinsociety (59,537 words!), but it took a late 14K-word push from treatmuchright to knock Djaq out of third place!

(As an aside, I'm now convinced that hot boys will always beat out awesome girls for popularity in fandom. Trufax, lol).

Djaq finished with just over 20,000 words and in fourth place. This is a TREMENDOUS achievement, considering udontknowdjaq was the newest of the single character communities, and Djaq gets very little fic written about her in this fandom.

Djaq finished third in the total number of fics as well, and second in the total number of drabbles!

It's worth remembering that this is 20,000 words of Djaq fic that would NEVER have been written without this Intercomm Challenge. All credit for that goes to railise, who had the idea in the first place, and did such a terrific job of selling us on the idea.

2. Voting

In the next few days, we will put up a master list of all the fics posted to udontknowdjaq for Intercomm. All the submissions have been of uniformly high quality, and we're all going to get much reading pleasure out of it.

Information about voting will be up soon as well.

Winners at udontknowdjaq get banners, the chance to compete against stories in the other character comms, and most importantly, bragging rights! :D

3. What's next for udontknowdjaq?

When we first started this community, the Intercomm Challenge was obviously foremost in our mind, but wenrom31 and I envisioned this as an archive for Djaq-centric fiction. So please consider posting any fanfic you have (either new or previously posted) to this comm.

A number of this community's members are talented fan artists and icon makers. So if Djaq inspires you to make fanart, banners, icons, manips, etc., please do consider this your #1 destination for posting those.

In the next few days, I'm thinking about starting some sort of Djaq-centric discussion. I'm open to suggestions for topics, of course. ;)

general, mod post, intercomm

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