Title: Amo Amas Amat
Author: wastingyourgum
Words: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Djaq/Legrand
Genre: Het
Spoilers: 2x11
Disclaimer: BBC & TA own anything you find familiar.
A/N: Since you all asked nicely... and I've had a few beers ;)
A common language... )
I have no issues with that. Just asking...
It's not about Djaq. It's about Djaq and Legrand - and pretty evenly split between them - so I decided it probably wasn't really eligible.
I leave it to you to decide, of course.
I thought the focus of this wasn't clearly enough on Djaq.
Feel free to get a second opinion from railise or one of the other mods tho'. I'm more than happy to be over-ruled...
But I defer to your judgment on the issue, because you're the writer, after all.
So please do cross-post, etc. Djaq thanks you for the numbers! :)
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