Intercomm fic - Excuses

Jan 07, 2010 11:40

Title: Excuses
Author: railise
Word Count: 194
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Djaq, the other outlaws
Genre: Humor, flash fic
Disclaimer: I have no rights to or association with the show Robin Hood, and get nothing from this other than the fun of playing in the world provided by the BBC and Tiger Aspect.
Notes: For rh_intercomm.

When Djaq finally arrived at camp, three hours after she was supposed to be back, she was immediately set upon by the others.

"Where have you been?" Will demanded.

"We've been worried sick!" Much declared.

Little John gave her a nod and a "what they're saying" shrug.

Startled at their intensity, Djaq hesitated before replying, "I... There was a mother, giving birth--" She was cut off by a collective sound of disgust.

"That's not funny," snapped Much.

Disappointment shone in Will's eyes. "If you don't want to tell us where you were, just say so."

"Yeah, if you're gonna give an excuse, at least make up your own," Allan muttered.

After they had all gone back to what they had been doing before her arrival, Robin came over. "If there's anything wrong, I hope you will let me know." With a friendly pat on her shoulder, he resumed his seat.

Speechless, she glanced around at her friends, but they were all studiously ignoring her. With a shake of her head, Djaq retrieved a clean set of clothing and made her way to the stream to wash up.

How was it that men could be so obvious, and yet so oblivious?

character: djaq, character: allan, rating: g, author: railise, character: robin, intercomm, character: little john, character: much

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