Intercomm drabble: Freedom

Jan 02, 2010 11:15

Title: Freedom
Author: wenrom31
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Djaq, mentions Outlaws
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Robin Hood is the property of the BBC and TA. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Notes: An outlaw's life suits Djaq just fine. Written for rh_intercomm

They grumble about weather, food, isolation.
She doesn't.

They admire her bravery through hardships.
She doesn't admit she isn't brave...but content. In a way they cannot understand.

Every harrowing escape, rain-soaked bedroll, bowl of weak pottage reminds them they're dead men.
It tells her she's alive. She already knows the emptiness of walking through life without hope, identity...or gender.

They live half-lives...on the edge of civilization. Forced deprivation and loneliness.
Yet only here has she learned to live fully. Here she has choices. She chooses to love every minute.

To them it is exile...To her, freedom.

character: djaq, author: wenrom31, rating: g, intercomm, cat: drabble

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