Today was a good day.
Level 40 on my gnome mage!
Which meant a new swift white mechanostrider.
And I have been running Razorfen Downs to death (yar) desperately trying to get the Robes of the Lich. Today, I won them, the second time they dropped. Finally! Mwhaha! My outfit is complete, and
I look adorable.
And as far as non-wow stuff goes, I was painting today too. Guess the server being down until 3 was a good thing. Sigh, except it's still not quite working out... painting can be hard. I'll keep working on it. My Dad's birthday was on the 13th, and I'd like to give it to him. We'll probably be going to Greenfield to visit my grandparents this weekend, so I have a deadline! (yar)
Still no luck with jobs. But I don't wanna think about that today! A girl from my class just got an LA3 job, library assistant level 3. Why can't I even get an interview for a clerk position? Anyway, happy for her, but also envious. Maybe I can start putting her down as a reference, lol?!
Yay, True Blood has started again!